Kat Note: Hm, the text is now mostly updated, but I still need to get around to fixing the blog and pics.
Be amazed.
You find yourself walking through a random forest somewhere. Tired from all the walking (you lazy bum), you lay down in the shade of a very large tree to rest.
Suddenly you hear a rustling from up above you. Your eyes snap open and you yelp in suprise as you see two huge violet eyes staring back at you, inches from your face. As your eyes start coming back into focus you realize that the eyes belong to a tiny kacheek swinging on a strangely flexible tree branch. Not a horrible forest monster intent on devouring your spleen.
Heheh, I scared you didn't I? the kacheek questions, breaking into a huge grin.
What? No you didn't. That's preposterous! You lie oh-so-smoothly. In fact, You had never been less afraid of anything in your life. You consider telling her that yelping is just how you say "hi" where you come from but lose the chance as she starts yammering again.
Oh yes I did and you should have seen your face it was priceless! The blue kacheek starts laughing again. Annoyed, you climb to your feet (and are talented enough to hit three branches with your head in the process) and start to walk away but you don't get far when the little kacheek swings off her branch and land on your head, causing you to yelp again.
Awwwah! Don't go! I'm sorry but I never get any company around here and I want to play! The kacheek laments as she crawls of your head. She starts to sniffle as soon as her tiny touch the ground.
Fine fine, just don't do that anymore. You console her, finally give in at the threat of causing a kacheek that doesn't even reach your knees cry. Unbeknownst to you (but knowest to I), it may have just been better to leave her be as the rest of your day soon begins to dissipate.
Yay yay yay! Whirlpool squeals, quite suddenly excited again, and zooms back up her tree and comes zooming back down about three seconds later carrying a whole box load of stuff. How she is able to zoom down a tree while carrying a box filled with random items is completely beyond you.
Technical Name: Whirlpool1692
Call Me: Whirlpool
Alias: Whippy/Whippeh
Human Age: Seven
Gender: Girl ^O^
State: Quad
Petpet: SnowMint the Snow Kookith
Color: Blue
Markings: tips of ears dipped purple, hands and tail specked purple, little white leaf-like wings.
Needs to be rewritten. X3
Hopefully it'll be back somedaaaaaaaay~! QwQ;;
Kat: Umm... Don't hold your breath. ^^; Here's my three-second summary so you're not left in wonder:
Once upon a time (Sorry, couldn't resist), there lived a kacheek. She lived in a forest. She was happy and became an ace at climbing and finding fruit. Then we (AKA me, Blitz, and Keeka) found her while we were lost (Which was NOT my fault by the way, don't believe what Blitz says). Anywho, stuff happened, insert talking parts, and boom. Whirlpool joins the party. She now lives in a tree outside my land.
Wasn't that positively enthralling? My, we lead exciting lives. Now excuse me as I magically disappear.
*vanishes dramatically*
Whirlpool: That made it sounds so boring. QwQ
You still here? Good! Then we can move on =3
You know the Drill ^_^
- DO NOT enter them in the Beauty Contest
- DO NOT change the code
- DO NOT take my name off them
- DO NOT take other peoples customs
- DO NOT edit them
- DO NOT claim them as your own
If you want a custom, send #OWNERLOOKUP a description (Kat's note: and don't just say "blue with green eyes or something please. I need the shade of blue and green as well. |D ) or where to find a pic of your kacheek. ^_^
Requests: Closed
Trades: Closed (and preferred)
Normal Colors

More coming soon~

Lookie, it's ME!!! 8D

Custom Box has been emptied: 1 time.
If you lost the link to your adoptable, neomail me and I'll put it back up. =3

Family & friends

Pic needs updating. She is anthro now.
Ah yes, Blizzard's an acara *nod nod*...She really isn't as mean as she seemed in the story of my past...(Kat note: which is now not here so haha! Confusion initiate! ) She was just in a bad mood. Blizzard also comes from a weird clan called the Clan of the Elements which is where she got her Guardian Powers. Everyone there is named after an Element or some form of one...heh, maybe I should join~!
Keeka the aisha is the Guardian Spirit of Water (actually she can only control freshwater no saltwater) What is that? Long story short Blizzard accidently released the spirits of Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, and Darkness. Keeka got water...aaaanyway...Keeka is really nice and we have lots of fun playing with eachother!
Mercary is a really encouraging usul. She likes to test all the new food I cook and tell me what she thinks of it. Mercary is really good journalist and dancer. I'd ask her to teach me if my legs were longer. XD
Yay! Angie teach me all your tricks, O great tormenting one! XD Angie is one of my best friends 'cause we both live to annoy. *nod nod* She is the Spirit of the North Wind that I mentioned earlier.

Sei the Fairie kacheek. She’s had a hard life but she’s sooo much fun! And she really likes cake. :3 She should become my official cake tester~

Yeeee! Kachidee is a lot of fun! She also really likes Sakura trees like, A LOT. XD She can also do this really cool psychic blast um....thing. But, yeah it's awesome. ^^
There is a long awkward pause as Whirlpool looks around for something else to drag on about. Oh I almost forgot! the kacheek suddenly squeals excitedly and scampers over to a nearby tree and pulls out what looks like a red cooler from behind it. Wow, how long had that been there? Without hesitation, Whirlpool quickly opens it and tosses something cold and moist gently into your lap.

SnowMint is my petpet and she helps me when I bake. (I'm a very good chef x3). Unfortunetly, she melts a lot. That's a pic of her when I first found her hiding in my freezer. She's melted many times since then so I have to carry around ice cubes and a kookith shaped ice cube tray thingy. So her marking keep getting mixed up then. *pokes stripe across SnowMint's nose*
Yippies & Ickies
- SnowMint the kookith
- Apples XD
- Baking =D
- the Beauty Contest (yeeeeee I want shiny trophy *0*)
- Shiny stuff
- Climbing
- Family (and friends)
- #VISITOR *tackles*
- Trash
- Sore losers
- Art thieves...D8 *bad flashback*
- Vegetables
- Toothpaste
- Bitter food
- People who cut down trees
- Litterbugs
Random Stuff
Look at me!
Whirlpool taps her chin as if to think of another thing to ramble on about. Finally she looks back up at you and grins sheepishly. You see all my pretty purple markings? Well they're not really markings. It's kinda embarrassing actually, but it happened when we were painting our new neohome. We were painting a room purple and I got-eh-bored so I started playing around. Well, everyone left the room for a break when I decided the paint was pretty. So I ripped off the lid and began decorating my fur with pretty little dots on my paws ad tail. But then I heard the coming back, so I tried to put all the paint back but then I tripped and my ears went splat into the pail which was so permanent it sank into my fur and now no blue fur will grow there...Yeah Katdrea wasn't too happy about that...
The kacheek now unfolds little white leaf-like wings from behind her back. You hadn't even noticed them before and stared. These are my wings! she says happily fluttering them. Wow. Way to state the obvious.

I got them when me and Sei were in the Hidden tower. Fyora got very annoyed at us and started throwing things. Well she threw a Faerie Paintbrush at us and it hit me in the back. Then I grew little leafy white wings because of all the time I had spent in the trees. And there white because...um...It's a pretty color... Whirlpool trails off, staring blankly. Obvious, she had absolutely no idea either. But she quickly regained a different and completely random train of thought.
Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, I also love cooking. One of my favorite things to do and you know what else?! Kat even lets me do allll the cooking because of it! The kacheek's eyes seems to light up at the very thought. Is that even legal? Whirpool doesn't seem to notice your inquisitive look and continues talking,
Many times I've been described as a squirrel with its ears stretched out but I wouldn't know...I don't even know what a squirrel is! She finishes, looking completely puzzled. A squirrel? That would explain her annoying amount of energy...
ooOOoo, here I get to put all the pretty art people make for me~! ^O^

Thanks for teh cute pic, Badrocketkk! ^O^

Oh WOW! Thanks sooo much for the adorable pic, Animeartistgirl626! ^w^

Awwww, thanks for the cute gift pic mewmewlover853193!

Omigosh, I look soooooooo~ cute! Thanks, Dragonwrath. :3

Aren't I adorable? X33 Thanks Dolphinsarenotgirly! You even included SnowMint. OwO -cuddles kookith-
You look up an notice the sky is getting dark. Well, I'd better get going You tell the kacheek, failing epically to conceal your delight at having a valid excuse to leave. Whirlpool pouts and immediately starts to dig through one of the piles of nearby apples that seem to be scattered everywhere.
Okay, but take this so others can come and have as much fun as you did! She says pulling out a link and throwing it at you. Ow! How did she manage to throw it directly in your eye?

< a href=“http://www.neopets.com/~whirlpool1692”>

< a href=“http://www.neopets.com/~whirlpool1692”>

< a href=“http://www.neopets.com/~whirlpool1692”>