I'm going to put this as politely as I can.
That should be clear enough, right? So why doesn't anyone listen? Everyone should not be that suicidal.
Oh, I'm supposed to introduce myself or something, right? Ooookay, my name is Alaster Slate. Never heard of me? Good. Let's keep it that way.
That was your cue to exit, by the way. No? Fine. Welcome to... Uh. This page. If you're dead by the time this is over, you cannot blame me.
Not that you could really blame anyone at that point.
But I digress.
If you're really that desperate to learn about me (freak), I'll summarize it in the fastest way possible. Yes, like every other monotonious monologue on this site, this page gets a stats reel as well.
Try to contain your excitement.
Name: Alaster Slate
Nickname: Ally (Unwillingly. Call me that and I will hurt you)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Bori
State: Anthro
Status: Undead
Sanity: Questionable
Height: 5'8.7" (...That's counting my hair)
Weight: Underweight
Significant other: ...Syn? (...Eh.)
Parents: Alexander and Parvati Slate
Assuming you didn't just implode from the supsense, I'd like to keep moving. Faster this is done with, the faster you leave. Cursed mandatory ramblings. I hope the people who created them and enforces them die painfully one day.
...I should keep that in mind for future reference.
I shouldn't announce things like that. That's how police reports are made.
I feel like I'm talking to myself. This would be so much easier if this was communicated through action instead of through my intangible voice. However, it was decided for this version of portrayal due to my... habits.
No I will not stop breaking the forth wall. Get over it. I'm well aware what this is or I wouldn't be doing it.
That came out wrong.
Nevermind, what's the next freaking topic already?
...On second thought, I'd prefer the ranting. I guess this is what I get for the use of foreshadowing when I mentioned "habits."
Want to know why I'll never meet you in person?
(Note: This will be the short version, I may or may not do a real one)
First, maybe a bit about my family. My "parents," if I'm still allowed to call them that, are obnoxiously rich. Alexander and Parvati own the highly reknowned Slate Industries. Yeah. I come from THOSE Slates. Is my name ringing any bells yet? No?
Well anyway, the point was that my parents were extememly high-class and needed to have the best of everything lest the world explode. So, when I came around, I immediately had a lot of expectations to fulfill. I had to be the most intelligent, most athletic, most proper, most... You get the idea. I admit, I'm pretty sure I failed the athletic aspect right away. But as for intelligence, I excelled. I had a lot of tutors (homeschooled) and I don't really remember having much freetime outside of studies.
I'm definitely blaming them for my lack of social skills. It was study, study, study, then random formal party with random equally rich friends. It couldn't have been more awkward and I never really got a hold of the whole "intereact with others" thing.
...Geez I was a nerd. That can be enough background. Back to the point of this farce.
I was off to a bad start as soon as I was born. I don't know why, it certainly doesn't run in the family after all, but ever since I can remember I've been able to see ghosts. Yeah, sounds stupid, I know, but I had an erratic sixth sense. Problem was, I wasn't aware that it wasn't considered "normal." But most people credited my conversations with the air to having multiple imaginary friends. As I matured, however, this was becoming more and more questionable. And, after a certain incident, the maid flipped out. I underwent intensive therapy and, at the age of fifteen, I was ultimately admitted to an insanity ward.
It was about as fun of an experience as it sounds.
Well, unsurprisingly, there's a lot of ghosts in madhouses. One of them was named Rith.
Rith would come and talk to me frequently. Frequently meaning every few bloody hours. If I wasn't mad before, he was doing me a good job of earning my stay there. It went on for a few years til I finally broke down and agreed to his terms. I would lend him my body for possession to find some stupid object if he got me out of the asylum. Obviously, that was an incredibly moronic decision. Obviously, it didn't go as planned. OBVIOUSLY.
For some reason, I had expected to have at least some control while being posessed. I thought if things got out of control, I could just regain control. Yeah, didn't work that way. In order to escape, Rith used my reputation as a "docile" patient to trick the old nurse an killed her to escape. I don't remember all that much, I was pretty much in an out after that, but he somehow took me to this weird cave in the middle of nowhere with some odd glyphs on it. Because I had no life outside of learning, I was able to read it and he opened it by slicing open my arm and slathering some blood on the rock. Nice guy.
Lots of wandering around ensued. Apparently the rock was part of a ruin from some temple that housed the "Phoenix's Talon" which, as you may have guessed by it's incredibly lame and cliche name, had the capacity to completely resurrect someone. Obviously, Rith wanted it for himself and had some plans he kept wanting me to ask about. But I didn't. That would only encourage him and he wouldn't shut up anyway. Regardless, he/we/whatever eventually found it but when he grabbed it... The relic's judgment occurred. The wielder would either be cursed or blessed, depending on his soul. Not surprisingly, Rith was judged tainted, or unworthy, or whatever negative adjective you like and was immediately expelled from my body. A bit too soon. Since it was my body yet, there were two souls present and both had to be judged and apparently I was found pure. Or something. The point is that since there were two souls, two different judgments were given, ad Rith's soul was already gone. Therefore, I ended up taking both the gift AND the curse.
I woke up a while later looking different than I once did. My dark grey markings turned red for whatever reason, I got that X on my forehead, and, most noticeably, this red stuff was now covering my hands, feet, and tail. Also, everything felt different, though I couldn't understand why. It was dissettling, to say the least. After I left the cave, I met a kougra ghost named Teal and she made some attempts to clear things up. A lot had happened in the short time I had 'vanished.' To name a few, my parents disowning me publically, Masakii (a brat from childhood) was lying to the media about me, and I was wanted for murder.
To be continued
Another Perspective
Personality analysis~
Alaster Slate is deeper than most people give him credit for. At first glance, he seems like nothing but a punk. After a brief exchange, he may seem dangerous both verbally and physically yet still appear to be some stupid miscreant. To be honest, the less than flattering reputation of being an insufferably sarcastic cynic isn't completely unearned. Alaster can be ruthless with his criticism and rarely hesitates to put others in what he views as 'their place' if only to make his seem a little better. Snide, cruel, and sardonic tendencies erupt most frequently towards those he doesn't know well, most stemming from his own inner turmoils.
Alaster has many insecurities and is quick to turn embarrassment into anger almost as a defence. Jealousy is a frequent cause of his anger as well. Blind to his own endowments, it constantly irks him to see so many people better off, especially in the family department, while he's left basically to himself. Oddly, this is his own fault. Alaster purposely secludes himself and drives others away. After being mocked, humiliated, and left alone so many times in the past, he simply seems to have abandoned any need to socialize or mingle with other people and focuses solely on himself instead. This may have been largely contributed to his social awkwardness.
Alaster has no social skills. He's very intelligent but is terrible at initializing and stabalizing real conversations and he is quick to misread offhand comments as insults. Due to his estranged family life, he is uncomfortable with any physical contact and often freezes as a result. He's improved with time, but he definitely prefers his personal space. The combination of all of the above results in Alaster often coming off as a spazz.
While these are mostly 'negatives', Alaster has his perks as well. He's incredibly bright and has a very large vocabularly and, at times, tends to lapse back into the way he used to talk when being raised as a Proper Young Man.
Loyalty isn't exactly a driving force within him, but if one does manage to befriend him, Alaster would only slightly hesitate to help. He becomes much more accepting of those who don't pry into his background or appearance. The way others regard him when they first meet has a huge effect on his future judgements of them. If they're civil to him, he'll return the favor.
Sanity Level~
Alaster's sanity is questionable. After the episode with Rith where the change occurred, his mentality began going downhill. And really, the more he abstains from eating, the faster it deteriorates until he will eventually lose himself completely. Obviously, this is not a promising future for Alaster so he avoids the topic at all costs, prefering not to focus on his future. However, this does not help the problem at all and he has had fits of insanity in the past, usually caused by extreme starvation.
Alaster also has sadistic tendencies.
Eating habits~
In the simplest of terms, Alaster is a zombie. He's undead and eats flesh, organs, and so on to substain himself. The meals are needed to provide energy and health, so if he doesn't eat regularly he'll become incredibly thin and his wounds won't heal which would leave him looking more like the normal zombie does. The regeneration of his body is typically what causes Alaster to become hungry again but just moving uses energy which spends calories which, in turn, will instigate hunger even if he stays out of fights.
"Normal" food is basically poison to his system and will cause instant, and painful, regurgitation in order to purge his system.
Needless to say, he loathes this style of life and has massive guilt issues. He puts off eating for as long physically as possible.
Crimstal is the stuff on his hands, feet, and tail. The stuff is incredibly powerful and can rip through most substances, but it is not impenitrable and has been know to crack. This tends to cause problems since, when invoked, it fuses with his skin so when it's damaged, there's nothing underneath except for the normal arm tissue, muscles, etc.
It can spread or shrink depending on Alaster's will but the smallest it can become is so it solely covers his fingernails and the farthest is to his elbow. He normally has it covering his fingers only. Alaster constantly has it over his tail and up to around his knees on his legs.
In all honesty, Alaster thinks he looks tacky. The whole punk and piercings look was designed as a simple way to keep a large percent of the population from approaching and therefore bothering him. The style has grown on him and the whole threatening thing really isn't just an act as it was in the beginning. Still, it took a long time to get used to and he often complained about the amount of metal he now has embedded in his head. Apparently it was really irritating.
Also, he wishes he was taller but he can't do much about that. And while he can do something about his skinnyness that irks him, he chooses not too for obvious reasons. Like because of the remnants of his conscience.
Believe it or not, I do actually know some people. Not necessarily living people, but that's their own problem. Well, sometimes it is my problem, but I'm not going to go there.
The point is I know some freaking people both dead and alive. Geez.
Note: Hopefully pics for all will be created soon
Note2: Roleplay is open ;D
Eve. Syn. I don't even know anymore. I guess... I used to like, really like Eve. She was pretty much the exact opposite of me, all acceptance and happiness, but she doesn't actually exist. Turns out that was actually Syn who was masquerading as Eve in order to escape herself or something... I'm not going to get all into it here. Just believe, it's confusing, infuriating, and will make you want to commit murder.
Or maybe that's just me.
Just give me a while, I'll get back to you on this.
Hate hate hate, why don't I have a hate section? Jace is freaking two-faced, I swear. He acts all nice and stuff but there's something dark in him. I know because I've seen it. Problem is no one else believes me because of that cheerful little facade he constantly puts on, which is absolutely RIDICULOUS considering I even had evidence. Like a missing finger. I don't even know how he wormed out of that and had certain people tripping over him. ...Which was in no way my fault. Really.
That did not sound random. Shut up. Just don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth, end of story.
Eh. Teal's a nice kid. She has a sharp mind but has some major issues with depression. Then again, she was brutally murdered (not by me) so that probably explains that. Teal helped me out a bit after I was first... changed, I guess you could say.
She left shortly afterwards. I haven't seen her since.
Irritating girl. I tried to eat her once. I had this Tonu Huruzi-something-or-other constantly yelling in my ear about what a menace she was and how many people she apparently murdered. It was clarified by a few other ghosts that she was a bandit but when I found her she had apparently given that up or something.
Anyway, she was pretty much spared because of her boyfriend. What was his name? Ahh...
That was it. His name was Yunduri. He hates me, so does Glacer for that matter, but I kinda respect him. He was actually willing to die in that lupe chick's place.
Well I had to beat the heck out of the little demon dog first but THEN he was.
Stupid mutt bit my arm off.
Anyway. It was kind of a weird situation so I made a deal to let them both off if he brought me a substitute instead. Which Yun did. It was kinda funny to see the way it tormented him; choosing another to die so he and Glacer would be safe.
Apparently I'm sadistic. Apparently I really don't care.
Masakii Treven
Uhg. I hope this guy is dead by now, I haven't seen him since I was still "normal." He lives (lived?) way off somewhere called Su... Subrete... Subeta or something like that, I don't really remember. Somewhere really far away. But his parents and mine had some sort of rival/friend relationship so were frequently in touch.
I suppose I can't technically tell you what he's like now but I seriously doubt he's changed all that much. Except that he's hopefully rotting underground right now. When we were little, he was an absolutely spoiled brat. And he kept following me. Everywhere. Masakii loved attention and he often got other people purposely into trouble just to make himself look better. And by other people, naturally I mean myself. Because he could never do anything wrong, nooooo, he was perfect little Masakii, heir to his parents massive fortune and a simple prodigy when it came to intelligence. Such a bright future and loving family for the future tyrant.
I think I'll be ill.
Ehh, I think that's everyone. If not, too bad.
What a useless section. I don't approve of these cute things being here. Kills the ambience. What's even the point of them? Whose ego needs so much stoking that they'd go make a doll of themselves.
Sounds freaking creepy to me.
And just because all most varying amounts of humans are incredibly lacking in the intelligence department, I get to go over a few groundrules with you.
And for emphasis, I will even use my red voice. My red bold voice.
...This place is so messed up.
- DO NOT take other peoples adoptables
- DO NOT take my name off
- DO NOT claim them as you own
- DO NOT alter the code
DO NOT enter them in the Beauty Contest

This is a sample. Of myself. Obviously.
And look, through no talent of her own, Kat has even managed to make them transparent do to her friend's aid.
I'm supposed to thank you, Rikki, but I won't. All that did was encourage the continuation of this abomination of a page. I hate you.
Customs: Open
Trades: Even more open
...I'm going to need a synonym for 'toybox.' That word has no place here. It resonates nothing but childhood nostagia. And not the good kind.
You know, assuming there IS a good kind, I certainly wouldn't know.
No I am not bitter. Shut up.
Perfect. Yet another useless section. I am getting incredibly sick of this so I'm not going to walk you through each waste of electronic paper masquerading as art that Kat feels the need to chuck out.
Drag them to the address bar if you really want to see them.
I wouldn't recommand it though. The old ones are especially eye-rendering.
By that one human chick
From oldest to newest.

Day 1
Some sort of comic thing Kat is doing about my past for some reason. It's not complete and she has yet to decide what to do with it once it is. Especially since the art in the beginning is even more repulsive than usual. I couldn't care less either way.
By Others
...I can't even begin to contemplate WHY someone else would want to draw me but... I guess I can't complain.
Uh, thanks, I guess.

By Danceswithmeepits

By Dragonwrath
Almost over. This is almost over.
Wait, link? LINK?
What the bloody asdfghjkl is this section doing here? All this is going to do is bring more mewling little parasites here to gain instant access to my life story. Why would anyone support that. WHAT ARE YOU STILL EVEN DOING HERE.
Words cannot describe my irritation.
Well, actually I know a few that could but none that would be allowed in any context or form here.
Kat is so very particular about word choices. Hate her too.
This is the best news I've heard all day.
Yes, my day really has been so mundane that the ceasing of your interuptance would be the most momentuous joy of the past twenty-four hours.
That was another hint by the way.
And by 'hint' I naturally mean 'threat'. And by 'by the way' I mean 'so get the heck out of here before I maim you.'
I'm very subtle that way.